Saturday 2 February 2008

Wealthy Or Poor - Is Your Child Safe?

Child Prostitution

(The Human Trafficking Centre)

Background Analysis into Child Prostitution

Desolate, desperate, frightened, tortured mentally and physically. Is this fiction or non-fiction?

What percentage within the world today consists of caring, moralistic human beings compared to that of monsters who thrive on material gain and self-indulgence?

Click on the link below to gain an insight into the escalating problem of child prostitution magnified by a trafficking practice organised by unsavoury parties.
An introductory piece has been included to show that any child or parent could experience such a nightmare!

This video shows through statistics how rife the sex slavery industry has become. However, people are not aware of this escalation. Open your ears and eyes, as this is happening closer to home, much closer to home than one might think! (Oct. 17 2007)

The video was created by “TheGreat Commisson”, which sends out a very strong message to the community. On researching the UK in connection with this vile trend, it fails to produce material with such poignant visual sources and strong messages.
Could this be because of the British stiff upper lip?

Before I move onto total British media coverage I invite you to watch a very powerful video which depicts a growing crisis worldwide and where the UK is fast becoming a target country.

I invite you all to watch the video below as it offers a heart rendering insight into the sordid, evil and inhuman actions of devils incarnate!

Click on the link below and I pray you are one of the lucky individuals who have never been subjected to such horrors!

(Picture by oasisus)
(By Stuart Richards BBC News, Sussex)

Human Trafficking Centres Logo

The Human Trafficking Centre aims to provide specialist care for the victims - mostly women and the exploitation of children brought from abroad and forced into prostitution.

Accompanied with the opening of this new centre based in Sheffield the “Today Programme” organised an interview with “Detective Chief Inspector Nick Kinsella”, who manages the centre.

The interviewer was quite blunt and made it blatantly clear that there was plenty of bureaucracy and political correctness with what seemed insufficient action. I would welcome your opinions on this interview!


Following the recovery of 84 potential victims of human trafficking for sexual exploitation during Operation Pentameter, a dedicated police-led unit - the United Kingdom Human Trafficking Centre - was set up in Sheffield on 3rd October 2006.

UKHTC is a multi agency centre that provides a central point for the training, professional expertise and operational skills in relation to the trafficking of human beings, working together with other agencies in the UK and abroad.

It plays a key role in co-ordinating work across associated agencies and delivers a diverse set of programs, including targeted campaigns to prevent and reduce the trafficking of human beings (THB).

The centre also conducts research, develops training packages for UK Law Enforcement partners, delivers good practice techniquese and works to deliver an improved knowledge and understanding of the way criminal enterprises associated with human trafficking operate.

The Centre will continuously develop police and law enforcement and provide operational co-ordination in the UK in relation to THB, complementing and working in conjunction with the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA).

The Centre promotes the development of a victim centered human rights based approach to THB. Working with Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and other partners, it works to improve the standard of victim care and protection and raise understanding of the complexities that attach to dealing with victim welfare in human trafficking cases in both the criminal justice and wider protection environment.

To prevent human trafficking by building knowledge and understanding of the harm it causes and to use that knowledge and understanding to direct and prioritise the UK law enforcement response.
To improve and co-ordinate the law enforcement response to human trafficking by raising awareness of the key issues and developing and delivering relevant training
To develop and promote a victim centered, human rights based approach to dealing with trafficking victims, working together with other agencies, stakeholder organisations and NGOs.


  • To identify demand reduction and prevention methods
  • To develop, coordinate and improve research
  • The coordination of preventative programmes working in collaboration with partner agencies
  • To produce a law enforcement strategy on THB

Investigation, Law Enforcement and Prosecution

  • To engage with partners and co-ordinate anti THB operational activity
  • To develop, co-ordinate and facilitate training
  • To develop, co-ordinate and improve intelligence collection and analysis
  • To enhance existing international co-operation and working practices
  • To develop the UKHTC into an identified centre of international expertise in the Trafficking of Human Beings

Providing Protection and Assistance to Victims

  • To develop, coordinate, promote and facilitate victim care and assistance
  • To develop understanding of and identify recruitment methodologies, victim profiles and trafficking routes.
  • To coordinate, promote and facilitate international victim support, assisting with repatriation and reintegration programmes, and working to prevent re trafficking
  • To develop, coordinate and facilitate training in the care and welfare environment

Stories mentioned within this blog are widespread ranging from children greater than or equal to the age of 1, and this practice is widespread, but are rarely voiced. Some voices were heard through “Operation Pentameter” resulting in the sowing of the seed for the creation and growth of the hub of operations UKHTC.

There are thought to be hundreds of trafficked women in the UK, since the creation of the human trafficking centre they will continue the work of Operation Pentameter - the UK's first national campaign to target human trafficking in the sex industry. So far the centre has succeeded in the following operations. (BBC.Co.Uk).

Created by operation
"Pentameter" working
in conjunction with the Human
Trafficking Centre.

  • 515 properties raided in UK and Ireland
  • 84 women rescued including 12 children
  • Women were from Africa, Malaysia, Thailand and eastern Europe
  • More than £300,000 cash recovered
  • 232 arrests made
  • 134 charges brought

The "Human Trafficking Centre" as part of Operation Pentameter provided both the pictures and the data above.

The first Operation Pentameter in 2006 freed 84 women and teenage girls and led to 232 arrests and the creation of the Human Trafficking Centre for victims. ...

Operation Pentameter has evolved into the Human Trafficking Centre, which was set up by the Association of Chief Police Officers and has brought together ...

31 Dec 2006 ... A second operation is now being planned by the human trafficking centre, which will also investigate the exploitation of foreign workers. ...
The government plans to pay £20 million on events to mark “Wiberforce Anniversary, whilst the home office is about to release the soaring figures in the number of trafficked
prostitutes in Britain at 4,000.

(Steven Swinford and Roger Waite)
(Picture the nest foundation - the human soul)

Often, children who are trafficked may have been physically abducted but many are trafficked with the compliance of family members who believe they are being offered a chance to better themselves and do not know that their children may be destined
for sexual exploitation. Families are often also coerced through a range of factors including physical threats, debt bondage or pressure from threats of voodoo/juju cults8. The vast majority of those trafficked for sexual purposes are girls but trafficking of boys is not unusual It is estimated that there are at any one time about 5,000 child sex workers in the UK, most of them trafficked into the
UK, and 75% of them girls (UNICEF, 2006c).

(Picture by oneworld)
(Times - online 27/11/06)

(Times 0 online 27/11/06)

Works together with the centre providing accomodation, education, counselling and health care.
A poppy project spokeswoman said: "The centre has the potential to subvert traffickers using the UK as a destination country.

However, to return to the figures, 95 per cent. of such women are physically and/or sexually abused during their trafficking experience. Let me list some of the examples of suffering that were given to the researchers. Some were kicked while pregnant. Others were burned with cigarettes. One was choked with fire. Another had a gun held to her head. We simply cannot imagine what that must feel like, or the physical and psychological damage that those women endure on their journeys and at their destination in this and other countries.
(Mary Creagh MP 20/03/07)

Young girl working to pay her debts!

Many of the victims had been forced into the sex industry and had effectively been raped up to 30 times a day. Fears an influx of child prostitution in the wake of 2012 Olympics.

The Human Trafficking Centre in Sheffield was opened as an outcome of the first operation. Operation Pentameter 2 is being launched in partial fulfilment of the UK’s commitment to implement the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, which the British government has signed but has yet to ratify.

(The Guardian, The Daily Mail, Amnesty International, 3-4 October 2007)

It also led to the creation of the Human Trafficking Centre. Gloucestershire Chief Constable Dr Tim Brain said the new initiative would aim to gather ...

Human trafficking crackdown
UK crackdown by a new operation Pentameter2.

Where trafficker victims may come from and the many routes gangs may use.

  1. Human trafficking
  2. Human Smuggling
  3. International Trafficking
  4. Internal/domestic Trafficking
  5. Internally Displaced People
  6. Trafficking Agent/Agency
  7. Trafficked Persons
  8. Victims of Trafficking
  9. Recruitment
  10. Country of Origin
  11. Transit Country
  12. Destination Country
  13. Exploitation
  14. Debt Bondage

A relate d link (Angus Crawford, Human Affairs reporter, BBC News)

(Picture by Iafn)

Children trafficked into the UK are being taken from local authority care to work as prostitutes or as child labour, a charity has warned.
Recent research by the government's Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) found that out of 330 cases of children it believed to have been trafficked into the country, 183 were missing.
(Angus Crawford Home affairs reporter, BBC News 02/10/07)
Home Secretary “Jacqui Smith“ makes a plea for the general public to be more aware of this form of exploitation after the Government warned that more than 4,000 women were being used as sex slaves across the UK.(04/10/07 Bob Roberts Deputy Political Editor)
It also led to the creation of the Human Trafficking Centre in Sheffield. Ms Smith said human trafficking was a devastating crime: "Two hundred years after the abolition of slavery!

(Alan Travis, home affairs editor: The Guardian 04/10/07)
The operation in Britain and Ireland has led to the creation of the Human Trafficking Centre. “Internal trafficking” is mentioned, in which people born in UK are bought and sold inland.

(The Burning Times : 04/10/07 Debs)
(Picture by Rob Cameron

Why is Jacqui Smith punishing the victims of sex crime?

I could hardly believe my ears when Jacqui Smith admitted that some victims will face deportation when they are rescued by the police, and added that she intended to crack down on traffickers rather than on the British men who createdemand for foreign sex slaves.

(Joan Smith: The Independent 07/10/07)
(Picture by cbcaisane)

Three young boys bought into the UK and the last statement says it all!The circumstances in which they were brought to Britain and then according to their testimony abused by a series of carers are altogether more disturbing.


Video on sex and safety

This is a very sick person who has published had this rubbish published. If you try to move down the quiz you will see the type of questions he puts forward.
Is this what modern UK people find amusing?

Please offer your comments regarding this trash!
(Teresa Mahon)


Wikipedia has this statement amongst a large array of other statements concerning sexual exploitation and trafficking.

Although there is little evidence of state sponsored human trafficking, officials in many levels government have been implicated in helping to facilitate the trafficking in persons.

My thoughts regarding the human trafficking centre:

The “Human trafficking Centre” needs the government to offer extra resources to tackle the escalating problem of sexual slavery and of course other trafficking.

Organisations have obtained pleasing results, but a lot of political jargon and insufficient awareness by the general public have kept real success at bay.

This evil monopoly must be stopped and I feel that government, charities
and the human trafficking centre are failing to portray this practice as an epidemic, which is sweeping over the world with rapid ferocity and causing indescribable misery and pain.

The trafficking centre have a reasonable success rate, but fall short on many counts:

  • Insufficient media coverage (UK)
  • Public are not aware of the serious implications of such practices.
  • A vast majority of the Public are naively unaware that they could be the family next door.
  • I have never seen any posters of such malpractices. Although the centre for 2008 have stated that posters will be placed on buses and railways around Sheffield.
  • House of Lords have not developed any strategies to assist organisations in their drive to stamp out these evil organisations.
  • Brothels are legally permitted to have as many as three prostitutes. Therefore is the government condoning sexual slavery or are they checking the source of each member in each brothel/massage parlour around the country.
  • Better education, child welfare, NHS, pensions is this from the money they obtain through such suffering or is the government discounting the thousands of people who are involved as victims of this trade.
  • Personally I feel it is all a bit if a sham. Animals exported to countries alive to be used for meat or other purposes were televised, together with marches and hundreds of campaigns and yet human beings are experiencing worse conditions with beatings, rape, mutilation to name but a few and yet the public have not been informed.
  • The centre has tipped a piece of the iceberg.
  • Thousands of children go missing every year some of which are not missed.
  • Social services, carers, foster families none of these are given sufficient training or funding to be successful in general UK administration, so what chance have these children to survive such torture.

Until these issues are met, I feel that the plight of child prostitution can only get worse to the detriment of society, health, economic issues and moral codes.

I say to the UK wakeup – the public do not realise that the next child could be theirs irrespective of their material gains.

This campaign is typically English, in order to highlight the works of these gangs all type of media need to be used such as posters, videos, TV coverage, radio.

It needs to be more explicit (driving campaigns, mobile phones possess much more shock treatment).

There is no originality for this campaign, problems would be halved if the organisations and the governments communicated and agreed on a course of action.

United Kingdom at the moment for this issue are far from being united!


Creative Methodology said...

your research is very powerful and blunt which makes me want to read on.
The use of of striking images realy puts the point across very strongly.


Creative Methodology said...

There is a lot of research here and it is definitely an issue that should be brought to light more. The background information is even too thorough.

However, I have to look at it in terms of the assignment:

- It is not clear what campaign you are talking about, is it a campaign from the Human Trafficking Centre? It is not clear which adverts and videos are actually from the centre.
- It may help to divide the post up a bit, because it is extremely long and it is easy to miss the point. Divide it into a "background information" section, maybe a "my opinion about the issue" section if you want it, then "Human Trafficking Centre campaign" in which you show examples of what they have done which you can comment in terms of how successful a campaign it is, and then you could have a section in which you talk about why you think the campaign doesn't reach enough people (poor government funding, etc.)
