Saturday, 2 February 2008

How to avoid plagiarism

Thank you to both of you who posted already. There is however a plagiarism problem with both the posting. The rules that apply to printed essays also apply to things you post on the web, except it's easier for someone to copy and paste a paragraph into google and find the source.

How to avoid plagiarism:

1. Make sure to quote your sources: If you are copying text from someone else, make sure you make it clear that it is a quote, and that you reference your quote with at least a link to the source, but even better a bit of the dreaded Harvard referencing. There is nothing wrong with quotes when you acknowledge where they come from, they are only wrong when you imply that they are your own words.

2. Make sure to quote your sources of images: again, see above.

3. Have at least some of your posting be something that you wrote yourself, with some sort of personal opinion about the subject. As a guide you could answer some of the questions below:
  • Why do you (not wikipedia) think this is a good/bad/effective/genius/etc. campaign?
  • What makes it, in your opinion, a good/bad/effective, etc. campaign?
  • What elements of it do you think you could use in your own work, or what elements do you think are common to other campaigns?
  • What do you think is original to this particular campaign?
  • What particular methods were used?
REMEMBER: You can always log in and modify your posting (by clicking on the little yellow pencil right under your posting), so to the people who have posted already, don't worry, you just have to add your quotes and a few paragraphs with your opinion.


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